PitchWars Bio

Well, didn’t anticipate visiting the ol’ blog since I took a break from blogging to focus on writing, but now that so much writing is done it’s about time to trot out the horse again.

You can call me KPM. My real name? Well, my pitch wars peeps know that. 😉

I’m a writer, a reader, a gamer, a fan of anything speculative, and a neuroscience graduate student who specializes in addiction research. I’ve worked hard on both my fiction writing and my dissertation writing, and I hope to get that elusive agent along with that elusive PhD.

As you can tell from past blog posts, I’m a huge anime fan. My favorite anime of all time is Trigun, although Fate/Stay Night and Madoka Magica are close seconds. I’m one of those fans who checks out the new anime shows every season—a real nerd, to be honest. 😛 I also play a lot of video games, although my gaming time has taken a hit since the grad school thing began.

I write young adult and middle grade, with a focus on fantasy and science fiction. I’ve been writing and revising my four completed novels, and I am currently querying a YA sci fi that involves time travel to the five previous extinction events throughout Earth’s history. I love prehistory, and the book was a blast to write. I also have plenty of ideas for future novels, so I’ll be a writer, successful or not, until I’m too old to look at a computer screen. Since I’m 27, that’s plenty of time!

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